Almshouse Accommodation
A major part of Cottenham Charities work has been to provide almshouses and we currently have seven one-bedroom properties serving this purpose. The properties are not warden-controlled so residents have to be able to live independently. As vacancies do not occur on a regular basis we do not maintain a waiting list. When a property becomes available the vacancy is advertised on the notice boards in the Village and in the Cottenham Newsletter.
Grants to Individuals in Need in Cottenham
Cottenham Charities makes grants to residents of Cottenham on the basis of need. During the last year grants have been given to purchase a wardrobe and drawers, a fridge freezer, an electric riser / recliner, travel to and from hospital appointments and to make adjustments to a home for a disabled person.
Applications for grants for essential household or disability items can be considered throughout the year.
Cottenham Charities has a long tradition of giving gifts at Christmas to those in need.
Cottenham Charities can also give support to elderly frail residents who would like the assurance of a Community Lifeline alarm but are put off by the cost of installing and renting the system.
The Grant Application Form can be found here or by contacting the Charity.
Cottenham Allotments
Cottenham Charities manage the allotments on Rampton Road. If you are interested in an allotment please get in touch with Cottenham Charities with your contact details via our online contact form.
How can we help you?
If you, or someone your know, lives in Cottenham and has a need for help that might be met through a grant, then please get in touch with Cottenham Charities to discuss it in confidence. We will be pleased to help you if we can.
Where to find more – Cottenham Newsletter
The Cottenham Newsletter, which is distributed free every other month to all homes in Cottenham by volunteers, is the main means by which we keep residents up to date about the activities of Cottenham Charities.